Although establishment of the Kingdom of Glory is the crowning hope of the Ages, yet the nature of the Kingdom seems to continue to baffle the minds of many students of Bible prophecy. Indeed, the subject of the Kingdom is perhaps the most misunderstood Bible subject, even among a large class of those who are professedly proclaiming its imminent establishment.
Could it be that God has been delaying the establishment of the Kingdom because His professed people, for years, have been repeating the prayer “… Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” (Matt. 6:10) without fully understanding exactly what they are praying for? Are those who regard themselves as “Present Truth” Believers holding on to false notions of the Kingdom which make it impossible for God to answer their prayers regarding Its establishment in their day? Have Present Truth Believers, therefore, been praying amiss? (James 4:3).
This Book is by no means advocating that all must have an understanding of the nature of the Kingdom to Its minutest detail for God to answer their prayers. Far from it. However, there are key and essential features of the Kingdom, which, if misunderstood, can lead to the acceptance of the prophesied counterfeit (See 2 Thess.2:9-12; 9 Tract 66).
There is a tendency by some, who, when lacking an understanding of a point of doctrine, downplay its significance by declaring: “That is not important to one’s salvation “. This is the usual response when one tries, for example, to show Seventh-day Adventists the importance of having a correct understanding of the 144,000. Yet without knowing who the 144,000 are, one is in great danger of misapplying the “Stone” of Daniel 2, thus setting up oneself to miss the Kingdom all entirely! This is one of the reasons why “Mother” is in such grave danger!
It is hoped that those who believe the “Additional Message” (E.W. 277) will not adopt this fatal attitude, as we study the issues involved in identifying the King of the Infant Kingdom; for the proper understanding of the Kingdom, as herein elucidated, has far-reaching implications and eternal consequences; and, if fully understood, the dimensions of the “Gospel of the Kingdom” will be seen in their proper perspective. There will no longer be that uncomfortable feeling regarding the preaching and teaching of the “things concerning the Kingdom” (Acts 1:3), or hiding behind the deceptive and dangerous ‘smoke screen’ that knowing Who is to be the King now has no bearing on one’s salvation.
If the Bible clearly states Who the King is, who are we to postpone the teaching of this important aspect of the Kingdom? Indeed, is this not the heart of the Kingdom Truth? How can one effectively preach “the Gospel of the Kingdom” while being ignorant of the King of this dominion whose greatness shall be “under the whole Heaven” and is “an everlasting Kingdom” (Daniel 7:27-28; 2:44-45)? Is God so “slack concerning His Promise, as some men count slackness” (2 Peter 3:9) that the preaching of this Gospel of the Kingdom will be devoid of the knowledge regarding Its King? What! Preaching the Kingdom and not knowing the King! God forbid!
That this Study might inspire a greater desire in the hearts of God’s professed People —- the latter-day Israelites — for the establishment of the Kingdom of Peace, and that Christ might be seen in His beauty as the “King of Peace” is my sincere and earnest prayer.
Roland J. Roberts
Bible Study Principles
A Letter From God
Outline For Analysis
What Do ‘Present Truth Believers Teach About ‘David’
Identifying The ‘King’
Pre-Kingdom ‘David’
Further Clarification
What The Kingdom Will Be Like
A Kingdom of Priests (The Order of Melchizedek)
Behold Your King
Inspiration has given numerous Counsels regarding the way in which one should approach the study of the Scriptures. The reader is therefore asked to thoroughly digest the following Bible study principles because without the frame of reference which they provide, it will be impossible to understand some of the concepts that will be dealt with in this Book. Please read and reread the quotations cited. Some of them may be quite familiar to you, but it is essential that you thoroughly digest every word.
The following are a few quotations which contain these principles that should be applied in the ensuing pages of this book. Please do refer to them and apply them at every stage in the development and expansion of the theme of the book. They will clarify and eliminate all the objections, confusion, and seeming contradictions which have beclouded the Truth, and have served as a stumbling block to many.
Have a Prayerful, Teachable Spirit
“How shall we search the Scriptures to understand what they teach? We should come to the investigation of God’s Word with a contrite heart, a teachable and prayerful spirit…We should not study the Bible for the purpose of sustaining our preconceived opinions, but with the single object of learning what God has said…We cannot hold that a position once taken, an idea once advocated, is not under any circumstances, to be relinquished. There is One who is infallible — He who is the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Testimonies to Ministers, Page 106).
Scriptures May Have a Broader Meaning
“It is necessary now that the minds of God’s people should be open to understand the Scriptures. To say that a Message means this and nothing more, that you must not attach a broader meaning to the words of Christ than we have in the past, is saying that which is not actuated by the Spirit of God”
Study Every Line and Word
“Now the only safe and sane procedure is to read closely every Page of the solemn Message contained herein. Let not a line escape your attention. Study every word carefully and prayerfully” (4 Tract 7).
“Strive to understand thoroughly every passage that you read. Fix one Verse in mind, and… [study] it prayerfully yourself to understand thoroughly every word expressed. It is of little advantage to skim over the surface of the Scriptures. If we must understand fully the Words of Christ, thought must be brought into the searching of the Scriptures. We should open the Scriptures with great reverence, and not in a slothful, lazy manner. The Word of Christ is Spirit and Life to the receiver” (E.G. White, Sermons & Talks, Page 289).
Be Book Students, Not Sentence Readers
Message May Clarify Itself
“There are circumstances in connection with certain aspects of every Message which necessitate clarification. Such clarification, however, can be no greater than the light which shines at the time. And the light may come solely from within the Message itself or, again it may derive from a limited understanding common to the time “then present” — an understanding which the Messenger himself shares. Such is the case was John the Baptist’s. Inspired to declare only the coming of the King, John was squarely confronted with the question concerning the setting up of the Kingdom. He answered [questions regarding the Kingdom] in keeping with their common understanding… Questions concerning revealed Truth must therefore be answered in the same way today as they were in John’s time” (1 Answerer 47, 49, 50).
Decisions on Weight of Evidence
“Those who desire to doubt will have plenty of room. God does not propose to remove all occasion for unbelief. He gives evidence, which must be carefully investigated with a humble mind and a teachable spirit, and all should decide from the weight of evidence” (3 Testimonies, Page 255).
Study in Light of Incarnation
“Ye search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39).
A Letter from God
Pentecost, June 11, 2000
Dear ‘Israel’,
A number of your brethren have been inquiring of Me regarding My opinion concerning the issue regarding the King in the Kingdom which I promised to set up for you in the last days. First of all, let me say this: I do not give opinions. I state facts, and give directives and Commands. You must never forget Who I am, and there are two things about Me that you should always keep in memory: (1) “I am the Lord, I change not” See Malachi 3:6; (2) I cannot lie. See Titus 1:2.
I find it rather frustrating that I have brought you to the very borders of the Kingdom, and the same issue which predisposed your forefathers to reject My Son has now become the same stumbling block for so many of you.
Under Theocracy
You would also recall that I specifically spoke through Hosea regarding My feeling when they asked for a king: I was angry: “I gave thee a king in Mine anger, and took him away in My wrath” (See Hosea 13:11). How can I now turn around and give you a king just like your forefathers wanted. I told you I was angry back then when they asked for a king, instead of allowing Me to be their King; how do you now expect Me to go back on My Word, and give you a king in My pleasure?
That is not My character. I cannot change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Should I Apologize?
Indeed, should I renege on My Word and give to you what I severely punished them for over the years when they had the curse of a human monarch, I will certainly have to write a letter of apology to Ancient Israel for putting them through all of what they endured because of their choice of a human king. But if I do that, that will make me an unjust Judge. I will no longer be God. I think by now you can see My predicament.
I Emptied Myself
Notice: To be King, is the main reason I made Myself man, and manifested Myself to you. So the promise regarding the King in the Kingdom, should never have even been an issue with you at all. In actuality, I came to undo what your forefathers did over 3000 years ago when they rejected Me as their King and chose Saul because they wanted to be like the nations (the world). When I said to Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world”, I was actually undoing the damage that was done when your forefathers said “make us a king, to judge us like the nations (world)” (See I Samuel 8:5).
This is the last chance I am giving you to redress this grievous wrong you have done in clamoring for someone like yourself to reign over you. I am making it clear to you that I am ready to establish My Kingdom, but I cannot take you into it with the knowledge that you are expecting something and someone other than what and Who I have planned for you. I want it to be clear what the deal is now so that when you get to the Kingdom, you do not turn around and start murmuring and complaining that you did not bargain for Me to be your King. I have waited patiently for a group of people who will trust Me to rule over them, and I will not take any chances with any of you who still have any lingering doubt that it is possible for Me to do. This is a personal appeal from Me, and I trust that you will take heed to My Words as your loving Father Who desires to be very close to you, and will never fail to deliver on any of my promises to visit you in Person. I trust that you will restudy your own case and standing before Me as far as this matter is concerned. Your very life depends on how you view our relationship when I do decide to return to visit the earth and re-establish your Eden Home. So I am eagerly watching and waiting to see what your response will be to the issue of My personal Ruler ship in the Kingdom that I am so eager to establish, and which is even right at the door.
Your Father in Heaven
Scholastic Imperative
1. The Incarnation
One of the principles that should be remembered, and strictly adhered to as we enter upon this study, is that the fundamentals of Adventism, and indeed, Christianity, must always be faithfully maintained. One such fundamental which should be thoroughly understood in order to fully appreciate the theme of this book, is the doctrine of the Incarnation. The reader is therefore asked to read this section at least twice.
Relevance to the Kingdom
There are some who think that the study of the Incarnation is irrelevant to the study of the King of the Kingdom because V.T. Houteff did not give a study on the Incarnation to identify the one who will be the King. It should be noted, however, that the subject of the Incarnation is one of the “fundamental beliefs” of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which and V.T. Houteff quotes from the 1947 SDA Year Book of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, Pages 4-7.
Before listing the “fundamental beliefs” he said: “Here you will notice the entire list of fundamental beliefs is quoted from the Year Book of the SDA denomination. And why? — simply because their beliefs are our belief too. Then you will notice the additional doctrinal Truths that follow” (See Timely Greetings, Volume 2, Page 22). Then he proceeded to quote from the
“3.That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence as the Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon Himself the nature of the human family, lived on the earth as a man, exemplified in His life as our example the principles of righteousness, attested His relationship to God by many mighty miracles, died for our sins on the cross, was raised from the dead, and ascended to the Father, where He ever lives to make intercession for us. John 1:1,14; Heb.2:9-18, 8:1,2; 4:14-16; 7:25″. – See 2 Timely Greetings 10, Page 23. See also Fundamental Beliefs and Directory of DSDA, Page 4.
Thus this is one of the then 22* “fundamental beliefs” which “this Association in common with the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination holds” (See 2 T.G.1O:22). V.T. Houteff therefore stated: “This book the (Shepherd’s Rod Volume IT) is not published to explain, or comment on truths which have been previously revealed, and accepted as such, but is to disclose realities which God has preserved through the generations” (2 S.R., Page 9).
(*Author’s note: The present SDA Fundamental Beliefs have now been expanded to 27. See the publication Seventh-Day Adventists Believe – Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1988 Edition).
Gentle Reminder
So whether it be the prophecies of Daniel 2, Zechariah 4, Matthew 20, or Ezekiel 36, therefore, the mystery of the Incarnation should form the basis of one’s understanding and teaching of them. Failure to do so will surely result in the teaching of “another gospel” certainly not the “Everlasting Gospel” (Galatians 1:6 and Revelation 14:6).
Defining the Incarnation
What, then, is the “Incarnation”? It must be first noted that the Incarnation is a mystery and we can only understand it as it was demonstrated in the Saviour Himself “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John. 1:14). In other words, God (the Word) took the form of a human being in the person of His Son, who had the physical characteristics of Adam after the Fall. This mysterious blend of “the Divine” with the human is what is referred to as the “Incarnation”– God (the Word) becoming flesh. How God was able to accomplish this and still remain God, no one knows. It has been and will ever remain a mystery throughout the Eternal Ages. Indeed, it is the “mystery of God” (Rev. 10:7).
Explains Other Truths
If there is any statement that should not be forgotten, it is the last statement above. Experience has taught me that a whole realm of understanding opens up in approaching the study of the Kingdom in the context of the Incarnation — “possibilities” that are so deep and profound, that the depth of the Rod becomes awesome and a marvel to those who can grasp the scope of the Message.
It matters not, therefore, what aspect of the Message that one studies in the Rod – whether it be the mystery of the “Seven Seals”, the mystery of the “Seven Trumpets”, the mystery of the “144,000”, or the mystery of the “Kingdom “. What one will find is that a proper understanding of the Incarnation is the key to fully understand the depth of the Truths of these important Bible subjects. This is a point that should never be lost sight of because it is not just a fundamental to understanding the Message of the Rod, but a fundamental to understanding all themes of Bible Study.
Christ the God-Man
E.G. White further confirms this when she says: “The humanity of the Son of God is everything to us. It is the golden chain that binds our souls to Christ, and through Christ to God. This is to be our study. Christ was a real man. He gave proof of His humanity by becoming man. Yet He was God in the flesh. When we approach this subject, we would do well to heed the words spoken by Christ to Moses at the burning bush, ‘put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground’. We should come to this study with the humility of a learner, with a contrite heart. And the study of the incarnation of Christ is a fruitful field, which will repay the searcher who digs for hidden truth”. Youth Instructor, October 13, 1898.
Paul, in the book of Hebrews, Chapters One and Two, incisively describes the nature of Christ. In Chapter One, he introduces Christ as “God” (Heb. 1:4,8) and in Chapter Two he introduces Christ as “Man”. As God, Christ was immortal (Heb.1:1O,11; 5BC 1127). As Man, Christ was mortal (Heb.2:9; 5BC 1127). Paul expounds on the dual nature of the Messiah; and this duality, in His nature, is profoundly mysterious. What is so mysterious about this dual nature of Christ is that although He was “fully God”, He was at the same time “fully man” (3 S.M.127-142). Inspiration thus declares: “The two expressions ‘human’ and ‘divine’ were, in Christ, closely and inseparably one, and yet they had a distinct individuality. Though Christ humbled Himself to become man, the Godhead was still His own” (5BC 1129).
God Did Not Die
This is a most important statement because it clearly distinguishes the humanity of Christ from His divinity. Therefore, while the Saviour as a man died, and was resting in the tomb, Christ as the “Mighty God” and the “Everlasting Father” (Isa.9:6) was alive! So in a sense (a real sense) there are two entities: Christ as Man and the Christ Who is God. Thus, in announcing the birth of the Messiah, the Angel Gabriel told Joseph (in the Hebrew Language): “And thou shall call His Name Y’shua” (Matt.1 :2 1). Mary gave birth to a man-child — a human being. She did not give birth to God! She, being a descendant of David, gave birth to a biological son who “was made of the seed of David according to the flesh” (Rom. 1:3); hence, as a fleshly man, who was subject to death, being of the “seed of David”, He was indeed the “son of David”– a literal and fleshly descendant of David.
A More Excellent Name
As the “son” of a fallen human being (David), His human or earthly Hebrew Name was ‘Y’shua” – “YHVH is salvation “. But as the “Everlasting Father”, and the “Prince of Peace”, He “obtained a more excellent Name.. .God” (Heb. 1:4,8) and is thus called “the mighty God” (Isa.9:6). What a mystery! No wonder why this will be the science of the redeemed throughout the ceaseless Ages of eternity!
A Close Link
The Incarnation has established a link between God and man that is far broader in scope and closer in relationship than many realize. When the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John. 1:14), God, through Christ, identified Himself with humanity by a literal blood relationship; for it is written: “For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren… forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood. He also Himself likewise took part of the same.. .For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people” (Heb.2:11, 14, 16, 17).
Human Forever
“…In Christ we become more closely united to God than if we had never fallen. In taking our nature, the Saviour has bound Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked with us. ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son’ (John.3:16). He gave Him not only to bear our sins, and to die as our sacrifice; He gave Him to the fallen race.
“To assure us of the immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of the human family forever to retain His human nature. This is the pledge that God will fulfill His word. ‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder’. God has adopted human nature in the person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven.
“It is the Son of Man who shares the throne of the universe. It is the son of man whose name shall be called, “Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah.9:6). The I AM is the Daysman between God and humanity, laying His hand on both. He who is ‘holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners’ is not ashamed to call us brethren (Hebrews.7:26; 2:11). In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound together. Christ glorified is our Brother. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love”. (Desire of Ages, 24-25).
This “tie” or “link” — the humanity of Christ — which was accomplished through the Incarnation is a gift to the human race which has never been forfeited and will remain the exact Gift throughout Eternity. So we are further told:
“Christ ascended to heaven, bearing a sanctified, holy humanity. He took his humanity with Him into the Heavenly Courts, and through the eternal ages He will bear It” (5 SDA Bible Commentary, Page 1125).
Again: “He is our Sacrifice, our Advocate, our Brother, bearing our human form before the Father’s throne, and through the eternal ages one with the race He has redeemed — the Son of Man” (Steps to Christ, Page.14).
And again: “When Christ ascended to Heaven, His presence was still with His followers.. .He ascended to heaven in the form of humanity” (Steps to Christ, Page 74).
Perhaps the impact of the foregoing statements has not been fully grasped, so the reader is admonished to back-up, re-read, and contemplate the profundity of what was just quoted. The statements reveal that the “God-Man” nature of Christ (the Incarnation) was not restricted to His earthly sojourn but this “God-Man” nature has been maintained from the moment of His Resurrection and will be so throughout the Eternal Ages! Such a thought demands deep contemplation, because it has profound and relevant bearing on our conception of Christ as He is, and will ever be wherever He appears, and whenever he appears! And please bear in mind, that this definition of the Incarnation is a “fundamental belief’ of the SDA Church.
Spirit of Anti-Christ
is not something of “private interpretation” or that is being presently dreamed up. In fact, no one can disbelieve this “fundamental” and still be regarded as a true Seventh-day Adventist (and indeed, a Christian). For to deny the Incarnation and what it entails is to deny Christ! Indeed, it is even the very spirit of anti-Christ:
“Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every Spirit that confesseth that… Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not that… Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of anti-Christ” (1 John.4:2,3).
The Nail Prints Remain
Such is the nature of the Saviour as He is, and so will He be wherever He appears since His Resurrection 2000 years ago. Failure to grasp the importance of this and its relevance to the Kingdom will result in disastrous doctrinal consequences.
What Does All of This Mean?
“After His Resurrection He tarried on Earth for a season, that His disciples might become familiar with Him in His risen and glorified body… He had authenticated the fact that He was a living Saviour” (Desire of Ages, Page 829).
Christ, then, is, a Saviour Who will always be “God manifested in the (human) flesh” and thus forever be “God with us” (2 Tim.3:16; Isa.7:14). Indeed, he became “us”, and will remain “us” forever. He became human and will retain a human form forever and wherever He will be.
2. The ‘Spirit of Prophecy’
Closely associated with the definition and meaning of the Incarnation is the definition of the term “Spirit of Prophecy”. As the Incarnation reveals Christ as man and God, so too the “Spirit of Prophecy” reveals the Prophets as men with Christ in them. But because the term “Spirit of Prophecy’ is generally used by Seventh-Day Adventists to refer to the Writings of E.G. White, there is a tendency to restrict the meaning of the term to her Writings only.
On the other hand, as a basis for the rejection of those who have claimed to have the “Living Spirit of Prophecy”, some who profess to believe the “Elijah” Message have also referred to the “Spirit of Prophecy” as the inspired Writings of the Prophets. Indeed, references such as the following are usually cited to support the idea that the “Living Spirit of Prophecy” is the inspired Writings of the Prophets; and in the case of many Rod Believers — the Writings of V.T. Houteff:
“The only such besides the Bible are those that bring us the “testimony of Jesus: for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy” (Rev. 19:10) — the inspired interpretation of the Scriptures” (2 T.G. 45:5).
“.. .The ever-unfolding, inspired interpretation of the Scriptures is the ever– living Spirit of Prophecy” (2 T.G. 45:8).
Living Spirit of Prophecy
1) “To have the Spirit of Prophecy is to have the Spirit who uttered the prophecies and who alone can interpret them… And consequently, only holy men of God in the Sprit, can interpret the Scriptures” (2 T.G. 14:17).
2) “There is but one thing that.. .is capable of keeping the world alive, and that is the Bible — unfolded by the Spirit of Prophecy, the Spirit that leads into all Truth” (2 T.G. 20:24).
3) “And the Apostle Peter makes it clear that the Testimony of Jesus and the Spirit of Prophecy are the Spirit of Christ in the prophets who “testified beforehand”… Therefore.. .only the Spirit of Truth, which is the Spirit of Prophecy can lead us into all Bible truth…” (5 Code:1-5, Page 6).
So while one can loosely use the term “Spirit of Prophecy” to refer to a prophet’s inspired Writings, it would be poor biblical and scholastic integrity to restrict its meaning to just that. It must be noted therefore that in the truest sense, the “Spirit of Prophecy” is not the Writings of the Prophets but just what it says: The Spirit of Prophecy; that is, the “Spirit” that causes the Prophets to prophesy! Says Peter “For the prophecy came not in old times by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1 :21).
Again: “Of which salvation the Prophets have signified…searching what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ.. .”(l Peter 1:10).
Now, exactly how Christ can actually be in someone to utter Prophecies through that person is a mystery, just as the Incarnation Itself is a mystery. Nevertheless, it is a fact — an actual reality — which He can, and has accomplished through the Holy Spirit in all the Prophets of God since the world began. It is therefore the Holy Spirit, the “Spirit of Christ”, that enabled the Prophets to prophesy — hence the term “Spirit of Prophecy”. Thus, although Enoch never had any Writings, yet he had the “Spirit of Prophecy” as E.G. White tells us: “The Lord opened more fully to Enoch the Plan of Salvation, and by the “Spirit of Prophecy” carried him down through the generations which lived after the Flood, and showed him great events, connected with the second Coming of Christ and the end of the World” (l Spirit of Prophecy, Page 61).
From the above statement it is correct to conclude that although Adam, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the Prophets and Patriarchs of God, before Moses, never wrote a line, yet they had the “Spirit of Prophecy”. How can anyone, therefore, say that the “Spirit of Prophecy” means the Writings of the Prophets when the “Spirit of Prophecy” existed long before Prophets began to write? Is it not clear that the “Spirit of Prophecy” is the “Spirit of Christ” in the Prophets, whenever, and wherever they exist? To repeat, then, it is therefore the “Holy Spirit” or the “Spirit of Christ” that enabled the Prophets to prophesy — hence the term “Spirit of Prophecy”.
When, therefore, the term “Spirit of Prophecy” is used in this book, let it be understood that it is used in its truest sense. Hence to doubly repeat, in this book, an absolute and clear distinction is made between the Writings of the “Spirit of Prophecy” and the “Spirit of Prophecy” as an active intelligent Agency. In the ensuing pages we will therefore be making a clear distinction between the products of the “Spirit’ and the “Spirit” Himself.
3. Theocracy
Generally when some use the term “theocracy” many usually restrict its meaning to a set-up in which some person is ruling in behalf of God. Examples are usually cited in the case of David and the other Kings and Judges of Ancient Israel, or the Leaders of the Exodus — Moses and Joshua, etc. It is because of this limited definition of the term “theocracy” that one finds that the Kingdom Truth has also been conceptualized with many erroneous views regarding Its nature.
E.J. Waggoner in his book, “The Everlasting Covenant” gives the classic definition of the term “theocracy” and what constitutes a true theocracy. In it he shows that although we commonly speak of Ancient Israel as a theocracy, the truth is that it was not, especially when they had a human king. Here is Waggoner’s classic definition of “theocracy” in his insightful statement:
“It is quite common to speak of Israel as a theocracy. This is indeed what God designed it to be, and what it should have been, but what in the truest sense it never was. Least of all was Israel a theocracy when the people demanded an earthly king, “that we also may be like all the heathen”, for in so doing they rejected God as their King… The word “theocracy” is a combination of two Greek words, and means literally “the rule of God”.
“A true theocracy, therefore, is a body in which God is sole and absolute ruler. Such a government has rarely been seen on this earth, and was never to any great extent. A true theocracy existed when Adam was formed and placed in the Garden of Eden, when “God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31…) It should be borne in mind that in a true theocracy, it is God Himself that rules, and not a person in the place of God”. – E.J. Waggoner, The Everlasting Covenant, Pages 193,194.
This definition of a “true theocracy” is not only logical but strictly biblical (See 1 Samuel 8:6,17,19,20). Confusion arises, however, when the kingdom of Israel in the days of the Kings is also referred to as a “theocracy”. But there should be no confusion here at all because the kingdom of Ancient Israel was a temporary, quasi, make-shift set-up which God permitted because of the stubbornness of His people. The so-called “theocracy” of Ancient Israel was no more a true theocracy than animal flesh was part of the original diet for man when the truth is, God only permitted it after the Flood! The monarchy of ancient Israel which men today are referring back to as the example of what the Kingdom of Christ will be like was never intended to be the ideal for Israel.
When they asked for a king, God made His displeasure clear when He told Samuel: “They have not rejected you, they have rejected Me, that I should reign over them” (See 1 Samuel 8:6). And He confirmed this even further when in Hosea’s time He reminded them: “I gave them a king in mine anger; and took him away in My wrath” (See Hosea 13:11).
This statement by God was in reference to the very first king — Saul — who He gave to Israel in His “Anger” because of their rebellion. It is also in reference to the last king, Zedekiah, who He “took away” in His wrath, and of whom Ezekiel prophesied: “And thou profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come Whose right it is; and I will give it him” (See Ezekiel 21:25-27).
One thing is certain about this prophecy, and it is this: it is a definite prediction of the one who is to be the next king of Israel since God “took away” the crown from Zedekiah! Whoever the next king is, he will be the next person in the line of the kings of Judah to occupy the Throne. And if ever there was a chance to know for a certainty who the one to occupy the throne is, it is here, for the Word says that the one to do so has a “right” to the Throne, and hence it will be given to him on that basis: “Whose right it is; and I will give it him “.
Inspiration is very clear regarding the One Who will be the next King since Zedekiah’s unceremonious dethronement. Commenting on the above Scriptures, V.T. Houteff says:
“In this Verse God plainly declares that he was to make three overturnings, and that after that the Kingdom was to be no more until “He comes Whose right it is”; that is after the three overturnings, He “Whose right it is” shall come and the Kingdom shall be restored.
“The first overturning took place when Assyria overturned the house of Israel, the ten-tribe kingdom; the second overturning took place when the king of Babylon overturned the house of Judah, the two-tribe kingdom; and the third overturning took place when Titus in 70 A.D. destroyed Jerusalem. Thus it is seen that we are now living in the period after the third overturning, the period in which “He Whose right it is, “is to come and set up His Kingdom.” 2 T.G. 1:11.
Who is the One Who has the “right” to the Throne? Certainly, there is only one person to replace Zedekiah as king, and of whom the Bible and the Rod say “His” kingdom “shall be not be the same”. This expression, “shall not be the same”, is suggestive, that the monarchy which God despised from the very out-set when Israel demanded a king, shall no longer be again until “He Whose right it is” to reign shall come and set up “His Kingdom” (See 2 T.G. 1:11).
I do not think any Christian will deny that the One Whose right it is to the Throne of Israel is Christ, Who will not “set up” a monarchical Government, but a Theocratic one. The term “His Kingdom” certainly indicates that V.T. Houteff was referring to Christ as the King after Zedekiah.
When He said to Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world: if My Kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight” (See John 18:36),, this was a clear indication that the monarchical kingdom of ancient Israel was “of this world” because Israel fought battles in accordance with the nature of her worldly kingdom that was “like the nations” (the world), and that His Kingdom will not be like that – – the nature of Zedekiah’s kingdom “shall be not be the same” (See Ezekiel 21:26).
And that Christ will be the One to replace Zedekiah in direct lineage of the Kings of Judah as the one Who has the “right” to reign, is witnessed by His own words to Pilate immediately after He addressed the nature of the Kingdom which He said is not “of this world”.
In answer to Pilate’s question: “Art thou the King of the Jews?”, Christ said: “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world” (See John 18:33 & 37). It has always been the expectation of the Jews (even to this very day) that the next king to replace Zedekiah, will be their Messiah. However, they have never envisioned that the Messiah will also be God in the flesh. Yet, though, Christ’s declaration that he was born to be King was also a declaration that he was their expected Messiah-King, for such was always God’s ideal for Israel — that He be King. So Israel will certainly be due for an apology from God, should He now decide to give her descendants that which he punished her forefathers for, when they rejected Him as their Sovereign Ruler.
Again, it should be clear, therefore, that if the set-up in the days of the kings of Ancient Israel was a true theocracy, then there is a good argument that a flesh diet is equally as good a definition for man’s original diet and hence Acts 3:21 which promises the “restoration of all things” becomes an empty biblical Promise. Those who profess belief in the Rod champion the cause of returning to the original vegetarian diet as man was given in the Garden of Eden; yet there are many who find it difficult to see the same principle of restoration applies to the Kingdom!
It should be noted here that one does not have to have an understanding or belief in the Kingdom Truth in order to know what a true theocracy is. Any serious Bible Student would know that Truth is progressive (See 2 Pet. 1:19; Prov. 4:18). Hence, although E.J. Waggoner did not, at that time (1900), have a knowledge of all the details of the Kingdom, it does not negate the biblical definition of what a true theocracy is: “…a body in which God is the sole and absolute Ruler.. .as when Adam was formed and placed in the Garden of Eden.” (See The Everlasting Covenant, Page 193).
God gave the early Pioneers of the Great Advent Movement clear and unequivocal revelations on the foundational “Cornerstone” of the Kingdom — the truth of the ‘King’. That foundation should never be removed. The structure of the spiritual “House” should be built upon It. See 1 Peter 2:5,6; Matthew 16:18,19.
E.G. White also tells us: “The holy pair [Adam and Eve] were not only Children under the Fatherly care of God but Students receiving instruction from the all-wise Creator [Christ]. They were visited by Angels, and were granted communion with their Maker (Christ), with no obscuring veil between” (P.P.50).
Again: “Adam and Eve in their untainted purity, delighted in the sights and sounds of Eden.. .each day’s labour brought them health and gladness, and the happy pair greeted with joy the visits of their Creator [Christ], as in the cool of the day He walked and talked with them. Daily God taught them lessons” (Ministry of Healing, Page 261).
From these references alone, one can indeed see that a “true theocracy” existed in the Garden of Eden with the “Creator” (Christ) as the “sole and absolute Ruler” or King, and Adam and Eve as His subjects. Under that theocratic Government, it can be clearly seen that God Himself was King over man and man was “king” over the animal kingdom!
Hence: “Adam was crowned king in Eden. To him was given dominion over every living thing that God created.. .He made Adam the rightful sovereign over the works of His hands” (1BC 1082; See also Psalm 8:5).
Further: “.. .he (Adam) was placed, as God’s representative over the lower orders of being” (Patriarchs and Prophets, Page 45; See also Genesis. 1:26).
It is essential that this original hierarchy of ruler ship and dominion be firmly established. That is, God’s sole ruler ship or dominion over man, and man’s ruler ship and dominion over the animal kingdom — the “lower orders of being”. The fact, too, that in the Garden of Eden, there was “no obscuring veil between” Christ and Adam, suggests that if “all things” are to be restored to its “Edenic sinless state” (See Entering Wedge, Page 8), then in the Kingdom restored, there will be nothing to obscure the Saints from their Maker and Redeemer.
The term “theocracy” in this study is therefore defined strictly in the context of God’s original governmental set-up for man and it is in this sense that the term will be used when we refer to the ‘irst dominion” and the ‘restitution of all things”. Once this definition of what a theocracy is, has been firmly grasped, it will be found that the understanding regarding the “King” of the Kingdom will be so clear, that even a “babe” in the Christian Faith will be able to comprehend the richness, depth, and the beauty of the Kingdom Message of the Rod..
4. ‘Restitution of All Things’
When the Apostle Peter pronounced on the Day of Pentecost: “And He shall send Jesus, whom the Heavens must receive, until the times of the restitution of all things which were spoken by the mouths of all the holy Prophets since the world began” (Acts 3:21), this statement succinctly defined the scope of the term “restitution of all things”. This “restitution of all things”, he says, was spoken by “all the holy Prophets since the world began“. This, then, clearly places the things to be restored in the context of the conditions which existed before the first Prophet.
For example Enoch was the “seventh from Adam” (Jude 14), and is generally regarded as the first notable Prophet. When he therefore “spake” regarding the “restitution of all things” it is important that we understand what he was talking about. For one thing, it must be noted that Enoch lived contemporaneously with Adam, (See Genesis 5:3-32), so he was not far removed in time from the Fall of man and the “things” that man lost.
So Enoch obviously prophesied of nothing less than the restoration of those “things” which existed before the Fall of man. And “all the holy prophets”, says Peter, have spoken of this restoration. In this study, therefore, the “restitution of all things” (Acts 3:21) refers to the restoration of all the divine Institutions and the conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden.
Anyone who professes to be a student of the Rod, and fail to understand this, will miss the intent and the “big picture” of the Message all entirely. The Message is very plain regarding this. Yet, one would find that to many who have been studying the Message for years, it comes as a shock and surprise to realize that this is really what is involved in the “restitution of all things”. Many have the idea that the restoration refers to what existed during the reign of the kings of ancient Israel. But the Rod is very emphatic and explicit that the restoration it purports to advocate and bring about through Its Message is the restoration of the Garden of Eden, to wit:
1) “Elijah shall indeed come first and restore all things. And we shall finally be what Adam was in the beginning, live in the Garden of Eden, and feast on the tree of life”. 2 T. G.3:8
2)”And now if we choose to practice the good, we shall add no other sin, and eventually our sinful nature will be changed and, guided by Divine Light, we shall be brought to the Edenic, sinless state…” (Entering Wedge, Page 8).
3) “Yes, the Eden that was lost is to be restored. In fact, the Word plainly declares that Elijah must first come and restore all things (Mark 9:12). As Eden was a real home at the beginning occupied by real human beings, so shall it be again” (2 T.G.1:10).
4) “But’, you may ask, “why did God purpose that all of us should go through hardship and sorrow before we are taken back into Eden? If He is to take us back why did He not do it in the beginning, in Adam’s days?”.. .And why did He have to cause them to eat their bread in sorrow for 6000 years? — Because all who are ever to enter the Kingdom, get back to Eden, must first come to themselves as the prodigal, for all must be brought to realize that everything away from the Garden is nothing more than swine’s husks” (1 T.G. 1:8).
5) “When Adam and Eve fell into sin, losing their beautiful garments of light, they lost “dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every thing that creepeth upon the earth”…Adam lost his dominion, surrendering it to Satan.. .Now arises the question, “When and how will the first dominion be restored?”.. .Jesus’ statement found in Mark 9:12 proves that before He appears the second time, someone, – antitypical Elijah — “cometh first and restoreth all things”.
“Hence the dominion and all that was lost must be restored in the time of Elijah’s message, yea, even the curses of the earth must then be removed “. . . and on either side of the river, was there the Tree of which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the Nations. And there shall be no more curse …and His servants shall serve Him: and they shall see His Face, and His Name shall be in their foreheads” (Rev.22:1-4). The foregoing passages show that the message by antitypical Elijah shall bring again the dominion the Adam lost” (3 Code 2:6).
This last statement tells 1 all: The “restoration of all things” involves the restoration of “the dominion that Adam lost” therefore, the “Elijah Message” refers only to those things which existed in the Garden of Eden, some of which are:
1)The Edenic Theocracy
2) The ‘Edenic Sinless State’ (‘covering of Light’)
4) Edenic Marriage
5) Edenic Work
6) Edenic Man-Beast Harmonious Coexistence
7) Edenic Diet (For Man as well as Beast)
8) Edenic Language
9) Edenic Worship
10) Edenic Climate & Security
There are many more “things concerning the Kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3) that can be listed here, but the above are only listed to give a general picture of what the “Elijah” Message really entails. Such a kingdom, which has the above Edenic elements is indeed the Kingdom restored – the ‘first Dominion’ (Micah 4:8). Nothing less than this can truthfully be referred to as the ‘restitution of all things’, if some of the ‘things’ that were there originally are left out! God’s Creation was perfect (Genesis 1:31).
To conceive of a Kingdom that is less in nature, grandeur and scope than the “first dominion”, prepares one to entertain false notions of the Kingdom and to limit the power of God. This definition of the “restitution of all things” is therefore, perhaps one of the most important concepts that should be fully understood as we proceed with our exploration and analysis of the King of the Kingdom restored.
Having laid a solid foundation by clearly defining the terms: “Incarnation”, “Spirit of Prophecy”, “Theocracy”, and “Restitution of all things”, the reader will now be able to consider, in broad perspective and clearness of comprehension, the One Who will be the King of the soon-coming everlasting Kingdom (Dan.2:44).
Although we have already intimated that it is the Messiah Himself, it must be further understood that the identification of this “King” must, of necessity, be made within the frame-work of all the fundamentals of Christianity as outlined in “Fundamental Beliefs of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists” (especially Belief #3), which outlines the nature of Christ (the Incarnation). Any identification of a “king” which is not riveted upon this foundation, is not within the realm of Christianity. To many, then, the identity of “David your King” (Jeremiah 3 0:9) becomes the most important question. This, then, will be the focus of our attention in the next Chapter.
Prevailing Belief About ‘David’
3 7:24,25 and Jeremiah 30:9. This is what has been taught by almost all the existing Associations, the most prominent ones being the Bashan Association (Missouri), the three Carmel Associations in South Carolina, New York, and Texas, the International D.S.D.A. Association (California), and all the major Groups one can think of (the only exception being The Creation Calendar Research Association (Texas) which teaches that the ‘King’ of the Kingdom is Christ). However, the Association which has done the most to propagate (in print) the teaching that V.T. Houteff will be the ‘king’, is the Carmel Association in South Carolina of which a number of the current prominent members of the “Carmel” Groups in New York and Texas were once members.
It was not surprising therefore, that when a thesis “Who Is Antilypical David?” was submitted for consideration in 1992, to the Biblical Research Committee (BRC) of the “Carmel” Association in Texas, one member, in his response, presented his view by quoting the following directly from the Salem Association’s publication: “Anti-typical David, anointed before antitypical Saul (SDA Ministry) dies at Ezekiel 9, who came with a Message in 1930, who ‘now’ gives us the opportunity to feast on ‘meat in due season’ at the hand of God’s chosen ‘Shepherd’, who is the ‘man’ that Seventh-Day Adventists will not have to reign over them, who is David (the ‘simple means’) the visible king ‘who will reign in God’s theocratic government’, is none other than V. T. Houteff’. –Don Adair’s, The Master Antitypical Prophet, Page 4.
The above is the very view which SDA Church leaders have strongly challenged, and taken its proponents to task on (and rightly so) in the Church’s publication:
“History and Teachings of the Shepherd’s Rod”. But the average SDA member does not know that when the pamphlet says that the “Shepherd’s Rod” teaches that a man (such as V.T. Houteff) will be king in a kingdom, that such an idea is not found in the Rod at all! Hence, many SDAs are turned off from even wanting to make the first attempt to investigate the Rod because this “human-king” teaching by some of the professed Believers, is so obvious in its falsehood.
One can therefore understand why this is therefore the first thing that is attacked in “History and Teachings of the Shepherd’s’ Rod”. It is the “Achilles heel” of those who are professing to be Rod emissaries. Anyone who truly understands the fundamentals of Christianity would naturally recoil in horror at the very thought of a redeemed human being as king over God’s people. His very spiritual sensibility will tell him that it cannot be true.
So, to avoid this natural rejection of the idea of ‘David’ being a redeemed human, its proponents have learned to avoid touching on this teaching to any degree when presenting their understanding of the Kingdom; and even when a question is asked regarding the King of the Kingdom, some vague answer is usually given. This point has been a major stumbling block to many a Truth-seeker, and many have rejected the Message as a result of this teaching.
General Method of ‘Proof’
In order to ‘prove’ that V.T. Houteff is ‘David’, the proponents of this teaching simply quote a number of statements as proof references, saying with a measure of finality: “This is what the Rod says”. And to those who only read sentences for their surface value, these statements are convincing evidence that ‘David’ is V.T. Houteff or some other redeemed human. The following are some of the key statements that are usually cited:
“As ancient David is in his grave, the king here promised must be anti-typical David” (9 Tract 43).
“Neither could this David be Christ Himself, for Christ is called the son of David (Matt.22:42) not David himself’ (2 T.G. 43:17).
“But as David the king of ancient Israel has been dead for many years when this prophecy was made, and it has never been fulfilled, he was the type of the David to come” (8 Tract 13).
“Now is your opportunity to feast on ‘meat in due season, at the hand of God’s chosen shepherd, or starve on husks at the hand of a multitude of shepherds” (2
T.G. 2:23).
“Clearly, then, before He is coronated, and prior to His return to reckon with His servants, He appoints a ‘man’ to reign over them in His stead. Whereupon they say to Him, by their attitude and stand toward His message, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us’, although, ‘this man’ as we now see, is the anti-typical David (the ‘simply means’), the visible king” (8 Tract 71).
6) “These Scriptures plainly set forth the fact that God was to scatter Israel throughout the nations, leave them without a king or a homeland for ‘many days’, and finally gather them one by one from every nation. At that time shall they choose David their king, and be the holy people (Isa.62:12)”. 10 Tract 46.
The Proper Contexts
PRINCIPLE #4: “Be book students instead of sentence readers…those who take from books only sentences instead of taking the books entire will never by themselves find the truth” (3 Code 8-9-10, Page 10).
PRINCIPLE #5: “When a point in one’s writing is not clear only the writer himself should be consulted concerning it” (l Answerer, Page 47).
Strictly adhering to these inspired principles should compel one to carefully analyze the statements in their proper contexts. Too, it must be remembered that there is quite a difference between what a statement says and what that statement means. The SDA Church completely ignores this important principle in her attempt to refute the Rod’s teaching that there will be a literal separation in the Church before Christ comes in the clouds.
She uses the same method that some are using to prove’ that ‘David’ is V.T. Houteff or some other redeemed human. The Church therefore presents the following array of statements as ‘conclusive’ proof that the ‘Harvest’ is at the Second Coming:
“The Harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of the world” (Matt.13:39-43).
2) “When the mission of the gospel is completed, the judgment will accomplish the work of separation.. .The wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest. The good and the bad fish are together drawn ashore for a final separation” (COL 122).
3) “The tares and the wheat are to grow together until the harvest; and the harvest is the end of probationary time” (COL 72).
4) “Till the end of time there will be tares among the wheat” (MFT 493).
5) “He (Christ) has said that false brethren will be found in the Church till the close of time” (C.O.L. 73).
6)”.. .the teaching of Christ and His apostles, who declared that the wheat and the tares are to grow together until the harvest, the end of the work?’ (G.C. 321).
To the average Seventh-day Adventist, these statements need no explanation. “Don’t try to add any thing to them “, they say; and no matter how hard one tries to show such what the statements mean, the typical response of the opposers of the Rod is: “That is not what the statement says” or: “That is not what E.G. White had in mind” or: “The statements plainly state that the harvest is at Christ Second Coming”. So V.T. Houteff wrote: “The trouble does not lie in the aforementioned publications but in the minds of those who read them” (3 Code 8-9-10, Page 10).
The “statement-says” method as used by the Mother Church is seriously flawed because it makes E.G. White appear to contradict herself in other parts of her Writings. When all her statements in all her books are read, however, it is only then that the meaning of the statements is found, as one understands what is meant by the term “the end of the world”– the last period of probationary time. Compare Matthew 13:3 9 with Hebrews 9:26. The same holds true for the professed Believers in the “Elijah” Message. The “statements-says” method of proof for “David” as a redeemed human king is also seriously flawed because it makes the Messenger of the “Rod” appear to contradict himself in other parts of his Writings.
Inspiration therefore admonished: “. . .one truth explains another. Verses and Chapters, therefore, cannot be isolated from their context if they are to be rightly understood. A correct idea cannot be built upon any one Verse when isolated from its continuity. And only when we take God at His Word can we, in truth, study the Scriptures. Then we need but the key word to unlock the mysteries of God” (2 T.G. 8:27).
So the questions one should always ask in every statement that is cited as “proof” that “David” is V.T. Houteff or some other redeemed human is: “What is the context of the statement? And above all, What is the “key word” to unlock this mystery of ‘David’?” Failure to apply this principle has been the main reason why there are so many splits and schisms since the death of the Messenger of the Rod. And there will never be an end to these schisms as long as men are not willing to strictly adhere to all the counsels that inspiration gives regarding the study of the Word.
It is not enough, therefore, to simply read a statement and say: “This is what the Rod’ says” or “This is what the Bible says” or “Teach only that which is published”. Every word and every phrase that touches the subject must be weighed with semantic precision if the correct idea of the statement in question is to be obtained. In this case, the statements regarding “David” must also be subjected to the same principles of study as the Message outlines.
If the current position held by most professed Rod believers can stand the acid test of close Biblical scrutiny, then the “truth” that ‘David’ will be a redeemed human in the Kingdom, should be preached without embarrassment on the mountaintops! So to truly test this established position on “David”, we will bring all the previously-mentioned principles to bear upon the subject, in our next Chapter.
(Laying the Foundation)
It is Christ Himself Who says: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, this man began to build, and was not able to finish” (Luke 14:29). For years many have been building this “tower”, so to speak, regarding “David” and have been “mocked” by “Rod” enemies who use the teaching that ‘David’ is a redeemed human as an excuse for rejecting the whole Message because it is obvious to even the average Bible student (SDA or non-SDA) that there is no firm “foundation” in the Bible for such a teaching.
What Foundation is Needed?
This is why pains were taken in Chapter One to clearly define the “Incarnation” and the “Spirit of Prophecy” (fundamental doctrines of the SDA Church), “Theocracy” and the “Restitution of all Things”. All the fundamentals of Christianity as outlined in Fundamental Beliefs (especially Belief #3 which outlines the nature of Christ — the Incarnation) must therefore be our foundation. Nothing less will do.
‘David’ and the ‘Spirit of Prophecy’
All professed Rod Believers will agree that all the Prophets had that “Spirit”; that is, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, John, E.G. White, and V.T. Houteff all had that “Spirit” which enabled them to prophesy. So we are again told: “To have the Spirit of Prophecy is to have the Spirit who uttered the Prophecies and Who only can interpret Them . . .and consequently only holy men of God in the Spirit can interpret the Scriptures” (2 T.G. 14:17).
But that “Spirit” is what the Bible calls the ‘Spirit of Christ’ (1Pet. 1:10; 5 Code 1-5, Page 6). This brings us to a crucial point in our study: Is the ‘Spirit of Christ in the Prophets’ (Ibid) a real thing or is it imaginary?
In the 1895 General Conference Bulletin, we are told: “By the Holy Spirit the real Presence of Christ is in us and dwells in us” (See 1895 GCB, Page 329). Therefore the “Spirit of Prophecy” is Christ Himself manifested in the Prophets. This transaction — Christ literally being in the Prophets — is just as mysterious as the Incarnation itself To try to explain it is to venture into the realm of the impossible. Yet it is just as real as God Himself is real without our being able to explain how He happens to be Who He is. And this phenomenon is not restricted to the Prophets. All genuine Christians must experience this mysterious transaction. The Bible calls it ‘the mystery of God’: “Christ in you, the hope of Glory” (Colossians 1 :27).
This work is accomplished through the Holy Spirit. This is the essence of true Christianity. The only difference between the ordinary Christian and one (a Prophet) who has the “Spirit of Prophecy” is that the ordinary Christian is not endowed with that aspect of the Holy Spirit — the “double portion” (2 Kings 2:9) — which enables him to “prophesy”. Simply put: All true Christians have the Holy Spirit as a Guide, but not all have the special Gift of the “Spirit of Prophecy”.
Some may have other special Gifts such as the “spirit of wisdom” (Eph. 1:17), the “spirit of understanding” or the “spirit of knowledge” (Isa. 11:2; 1 Cor. 12:8) etc, “…but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For one is given the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit” (lCor.12:8). But, are all Apostles? Are all Prophets? Are all Teachers?” (lCor.12:29).
The answer is obviously a resounding “NO”! Yet it is the same Spirit — the Holy Spirit — in all, whether Prophet, Apostle, Teacher, the “man of wisdom” or the simple Deacon (Eph.4:1 1-13). The Prophet, to repeat, has a “double portion” of the Holy Spirit — the “Spirit of Truth”; and Inspiration says the Spirit of Truth is the “Spirit of Prophecy”, thus: “… only the Spirit of Truth which is the Spirit of Prophecy, can lead us into all Bible Truth” (5 Code 1-5, Page 6).
This understanding of the “Spirit of Prophecy” brings to view an essential point which many have over-looked, and it is this: As the Incarnation reveals Christ as man and God, so too the “Spirit of Prophecy’ reveals a Prophet as a man with Christ in him. When Christ spoke therefore, it was God who spoke. Similarly, when a Prophet speaks under Inspiration, it is Christ who speaks. Special care must be taken to avoid confusing the flesh and blood individual from the “Divine Person” speaking through that fleshly body. In other words, there was a “Divine Person” in Christ who was a fleshly, biological man, and it is this ‘Divine Person’ “Who spoke as no man ever spake”. That “Divine Person” was the ever-existent Eternal God Himself.
Similarly, there is a “Divine Person” in a Prophet. And that “Divine Person” in a Prophet is Christ Himself As one who is regarded by professed Rod Believers as a Prophet one must be able to distinguish V.T. Houteff as a fleshly, mortal man from the ‘Spirit’ — the “Divine Person” that was in him. Failing to do this and focusing on Victor Tasho Houteff will result in losing sight of Christ — the “Divine Person” Who was purportedly in Houteff. This was the problem with the Church in 1888 which prompted E.G. White’s written analysis regarding the underlying reason for the Church’s grave mistake in rejecting the Message of Jones and Waggoner: “…many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to His Divine Person” (Testimonies To Ministers, Page 92).
When, therefore, a statement such as: “Now is your opportunity to feast on ‘meat in due season at the hand of God’s chosen shepherd” (2 T.G.2:23) is read, the question to be asked is: “Who is it speaking?” Is it V.T. Houteff? For example the Psalmist David wrote: “Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption” (Psalml6:9,1O).
The question which one must ask is: “Who is it speaking here? Was David speaking of himself when he said the “holy one”? Obviously not, because the Apostle Peter says that, “He (David) seeing this before[hand] spake of the resurrection of Christ, that His soul was not left in hell, neither did His flesh see corruption” (Acts 2:31). Yet David wrote the Psalm in such a way that anyone who reads it without understanding the dynamics of the “Spirit of Prophecy” would be sure that David is speaking of himself.
God’s Chosen Shepherd
Yet this is exactly what many Rod believers are doing with statements such as the one in 2 TG.2:23. When, therefore, one reads: “Now is your opportunity to feast on ‘meat in due season’ at the hand of God’s chosen shepherd”, one must understand that in actuality it is Christ who is this “shepherd” speaking through the Prophet — V.1. Houteff. It is in this sense one can call V.1. Houteff “David”. As long as we understand that “David” is not a new name for Victor Tasho Houteff but is the name of the ‘Divine Person’ in him. This is a mystery, and it is only those with spiritual discernment will see it, and understand it.
One can, therefore, in a sense, say, that V.T. Houteff walked around with ‘David” in him, so to speak. Christ, therefore, was manifested in V.T. Houteff, as the real ‘Divine Person’ — the “David”! V.T Houteff, from the Pulpit of Mount Carmel Center in his day explained this very point about himself when he said: “I know it is not a Bulgarian from the Rhodope Mountains who has made scholarly Americans scratch their heads. It is not possible that such a one could have shaken the Denomination from center to circumference. If you do not know Who it actually is, then you had better find out without delay” (1 T.G. 18:22).
Ironically, that Sermon, given on November 23, 1946, was entitled: “The End of Human Idols and Their Worshippers”. In light of this, all professed believers in the Message that he brought should soberly, and solemnly ask the question: “Who was it that “actually” caused the Denomination to shake? Was it V.1. Houteff or was it someone else”? For one thing, Houteff says plainly that it was not he (the Bulgarian) who did it. Who was it, then? The clue is in the capitalized “W” in the pronoun “Who” when he said “If you do not know Who it actually is…”.
That word “Who” clearly refers to Christ — the “actual” Person (“David”) Who did it through V.1. Houteff. When therefore Houteff died in 1955 did “David” die? In other words, is the “Spirit of Christ”, the “Divine Person” (the One Who actually shook the Denomination, and Who was in V.1. Houteff) in a grave somewhere southern U.S.A.? The answer is obviously “NO”. Ah! then, when V.T. Houteff died, therefore, “David” was very much alive and well, then, as He is now! Again, this is a mystery which only the “wise” will see, understand and profit from. Those who love to worship “human idols” will never see it, or even if they do, will never accept it. See Romans 8:7.
All reading these Pages should make sure that the impact of the Truth discussed in the above Paragraphs is fully grasped. Put another way: The death of V.T. Houteff in no way affected the “Spirit of Christ” since the Spirit of Christ is an ever-living Person. This principle can be seen also in the experience of the mortal man Christ Himself. Christ, the man died, but He Who was from eternity did not! Thus, E.G. White wrote: “When Christ was crucified, it was His human nature that died. Divinity did not sink and die. That would have been impossible” (5 B.C. 1113).
Thus, the fact that when Christ died God (“Divinity”) was still alive, so too when V.T. Houteff died Christ (“David”) was and is still alive!
The ‘Invisible Christ’
Consider carefully the answer which Inspiration gives to someone who asked to harmonize the seemingly contradictory statements found in the Writings of E.G. White:
“How do you harmonize Gospel Workers, Page 44, Paragraph 2, with The Shepherd’s Rod; Volume 2, Page 240, Paragraph 2, presented comparatively as follows:
‘The messenger is not the Lord Himself, …he is the one who shall prepare the way for the Lord. “– The Shepherd’s Rod; Volume 2, Page 240.
“Christ, the Messenger of the covenant brought the tidings of salvation. “– Gospel Workers, Page 44.
“ANSWER: While on page 44, Gospel Workers applies the title “Messenger of the Covenant” to Christ, on page 20 it applies it to Moses. In juxtaposition, these are seen as follows:
“When Moses was chosen as the messenger of the covenant, the word given him was, ‘Be thou for the people to Godward.” — Gospel Workers, p. 20.
“Christ the messenger of the covenant, brought the tidings of salvation.” — Gospel Workers, Page 44.
“Whereas Gospel Workers applies the term to both Moses and Christ, Christ Himself applies it to John the Baptist. He said “unto the multitudes concerning John.. .But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.” Matt. 11:7, 9, 10, 14.
“As God had made both spoken and written covenants with His ancient people that He would send them Moses, John, and Christ, they came in fulfillment of those covenants. And each having brought a message, each in his own time was the Messenger of the Covenant. Nevertheless, the words of Malachi make plain that the Messenger of the Covenant is, in the strictest sense Elijah the prophet (Mal. 3:1-5; 4:5), the last messenger who prepares the way of the Lord. (See Testimonies to Ministers, p. 475.)
“In the last analysis, however, the title Messenger of the Covenant belongs to the Holy Spirit. For example, 1 Peter 3:18-20 states that Christ preached to the antediluvians by the same “Spirit” Who “quickened” Him. But as He preached by the Spirit in the person of Noah, not of Himself, He thereby unfolded the truth that the Holy Spirit is in all His messengers alike. Thus “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Pet. 1:21. Briefly summarized, the term Messenger of the Covenant means the Holy Spirit (the invisible Christ) in Heaven’s visible representative–be it Moses, John, Christ, Elijah, or some other“. See 1 Answerer, 77-78. Parentheses belong to Quotation.
Notice carefully: Moses, John, and Christ were all the ‘Messenger of the Covenant’. How could this be? Inspiration shows that the term “Messenger of the Covenant’ was a ‘title’ (or label) for the Holy Spirit. He further illustrates that just as Christ “preached to the antediluvians by the same “Spirit”, so it is that that same Spirit which in the above instance is labeled “the “Messenger of the Covenant”, is in all of Heaven’s visible representatives — Moses, CHRIST, John, Elijah etc.
One must also notice that this “Messenger of the Covenant” is also called the “Invisible Christ”. What is of supreme significance in all of this is that this “Invisible Christ” was also in CHRIST (the human being)! What! Christ was in Christ? Ponder this carefully, for it has great bearing on understanding the statement “David the visible King, and Christ the invisible King of kings” (See 8 Tract 47). Y’shua (Jesus) the visible, and the “Invisible Christ” being the same Person. Christ is the only one who can make that which is “invisible”, VISIBLE. He is the only One Who can blend both, and be God and man at the same time. All other human beings who are his representatives, are only a shadow of the Real. The great hope of the Kingdom is to have the “Invisible” united with the VISIBLE as One. This is the mystery of God par excellence, and the Hope of the Ages.
2) Who is Jezreel?
That which obtains for the ‘Messenger of the Covenant’, also obtains for ‘Jezreel’. Many limit the name “Jezreel’ to the singular person of V.T. Houteff. This is a perversion of the Scriptures even when viewed from V.T.Houteff’s own interpretation of the meaning of ‘Jezreel’. He says:
“Jezreel’s name, though, remains the same, and…he represents the prophets of God in all times…” (2 T.G. 6:26).
Now if ‘Jezreel’ represents the ‘prophets of God in all times” then that means that ‘Jezreel’ predates the birth of the prophetic child himself! It also means that ‘Jezreel’ was in Enoch, Methuselah, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc. And as Christ Himself was a Prophet while he was on this earth, He too was “Jezreel”! Even the picture Illustration in 2 T.G.6 and on the Rod Chart of Hosea’s Prophecy highlight this fact. Indeed, the very name ‘Jezreel’ in the Hebrew means “God will sow” (See Strong’s Entry #3 157). Thus when Christ gave the parable of the “SOWER”, no doubt He was highlighting the fact that He was in the truest sense that He was not only God the One Who “shall sow” (Jezreel), but the One Who the whole earth shall hear. The prophecy says: “And the earth shall hear…Jezreel. And I will sow her unto Me in the earth...” (See Hosea 2:22, 23).
The way how many Rod believers reason, they would have V.T. Houteff as the one who the earth shall hear, since to them, V.T. Houteff is the Jezreel of all Jezreels! However, Inspiration plainly shows that ‘Jezreel’ was in all prophets. This means that the same principle that operated with the “messenger of the covenant” is seen to operate with ‘Jezreel’ also. ‘Jezreel’ represents the “Spirit of Christ” that was in all his Prophets to “sow” seeds of Truth “in all times”.
The ultimate “Sower” though, is not, and cannot be V.T. Houteff, but Christ Himself Who Hosea sees in the ultimate fulfillment of the Prophecy as “God [Who] will sow”, and thus multiply the “144,000” in the harvest of a “Great Multitude” (See 4 Tract 49-50). Any attempt to elevate any human being to this status when this prophecy reaches it consummate fulfillment, is to put such an one in the place of God.
This may not be the intention of the proponents of this idea of a human king in the Kingdom, but such will be the result if proper hermeneutical principles are not adhered to, in which Christ is given His proper place as the ultimate ‘JEZREEL’, and in fact the ultimate, and antitypical all the prophets! Those who fail to see this, do so because they do not carefully differentiate what takes place before the Kingdom and what takes place in the Kingdom.
Our analysis in this Chapter has been confined to the manifestation of the “Spirit of Prophecy” before the Kingdom. But a fact often overlooked by many is that there is a fulfillment of “David” before the Kingdom and a fulfillment of “David” in the Kingdom. No one should have difficulty in seeing from the analysis just given, that the fulfillment of “David” in V.T. Houteff, (and in all the prophets for that matter) is before the Kingdom, for the simple reason that Houteff is now dead, and the Kingdom is yet to be established. In other words, Christ, through V.T. Houteff, spoke to His People regarding some things concerning the coming Kingdom while Houteff was alive. But as “David” is the King of the Kingdom the question one must ask is: Will this “David” be Christ again through someone else or will it be Christ Himself? This is the next vital question to be answered.
To many, this statement is so plain that it settles all doubt that Christ is not anti-typical David. But it must always be remembered (and this is something that many fail to realize), that: “Like all heaven-sent Messages preceding It, the Rod Message is set “for the fall and rising again of many in Israel (Luke 2:3 4); it is exactly calculated to bring about a sifting…” (See 1 Answerer, Page 77).
Inspiration Never Calls Christ “David”?
So one had better be careful with any statement that is “exactly calculated” to see those who will make “Inspiration” harmonize instead of clashing head-on. The statement does say “Inspiration never calls Christ David”. But the question is: What is the context of the “never”? For if we find that “Inspiration” ever calls Him “David”, then we have a situation in which “Inspiration-never” clashes with “Inspiration-ever “. No Rod Believer will deny that Isaiah the prophet was inspired. Neither will any deny that E.G. White’s comments on Isaiah’s prophecies are also the work of “Inspiration”. Indeed, E.G. White had a “heaven-sent message preceding… the Rod Message “, so her comments should be regarded as “inspired” just as much as those of the Rod Message Itself.
Isaiah says: “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold I have given Him for a witness to the people, a Leader and Commander to the people” (Isaiah 55:3, 4). Certainly, this is a messianic prophecy regarding Christ, identified as “David” Who is “Witness”, “Leader”, and “Commander” to the people; for David was dead long before this prophecy was given. However, we have another witness regarding Isaiah’s prophecy.
In commenting on “David” in Isaiah 55 “Inspiration” through E.G. White cites a series of prophecies concerning Christ in the Old Testament. In that series, she references Genesis 3:15 (Christ as the “Seed” of the woman); Deuteronomy 18:15, 18 (Christ as “Prophet”); Genesis 49:10 (Christ as “Shiloh”), and Isaiah 55:3, 4 (Christ as “David”).
‘Inspiration’ and E. G. White
“To ADAM was given an assurance of the coming of the Redeemer. The sentence pronounced on Satan, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15), was to our first parents a promise of the redemption to be wrought out through Christ.
“To ABRAHAM was given the promise that of his line of Saviour of the world should come: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” “He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:16.
“MOSES, near the close of his work as a leader and teacher of Israel, plainly prophesied of the Messiah to come. “The Lord thy God,” he declared to the assembled hosts of Israel, “will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto Him ye shall hearken.” And Moses assured the Israelites that God Himself had revealed this to him while in Mount Horeb, saying, “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put My words in His mouth; and He shall speak unto them all that I shall command Him.” Deuteronomy 18:15, 18.
“The Messiah was to be of the royal line, for in the prophecy uttered by JACOB the Lord said, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be.” Genesis 49:10.
“ISAIAH prophesied: “There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David Behold, I have given Him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for He hath glorified thee.” Isaiah 11:1; 55:3-5″. –Acts of the Apostles, Page 222-23.
Note: These are “plain and specific prophecies” of Christ, (of which Isaiah 55:3, 4 is one). This is clearly “Inspiration” too. Some wish to accept Christ as the “Seed”, “Prophet”, “Shiloh” and all the other titles as “Inspiration” but refuse to accept Him as also “David”, which appears as one of His designations with the others by the same “inspired” author (E.G. White)! Certainly, one cannot have his cake and eat it too. As all the other references by “Inspiration” refer to Christ, so too must we accept that “David” in Isaiah 55 refers to Christ.
‘Never’ When?
The statement, “Inspiration never calls Christ David” must mean what it says in a specific context, or else it will be clear that the “Inspiration” of E.G. White clashes with the “Inspiration” of V.T. Houteff. What then, is the context of the statement? The context is found in the pre-resurrection Christ, and the post-resurrection Christ. In his precrucifixion, pre-resurrection state, he was called the “son of David”, “the son of man” etc. At that time “Inspiration never called Christ David”. However after the resurrection, He was called the “son of God”, and reversed His relationship to “His father David” (See Luke 1:32-33). Paul clearly shows this dichotomy:
“Concerning Y’shua (Jesus) Christ, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh, anddeclared to be the son of God according to the Spirit. . .by the power of the resurrection” (See Romans 1:3 & 4).
The fleshly relationship with His father David, was cut after the resurrection occurred and He was given a glorified Body. This is why every time he was glorified (at His Baptism, and also at the Transfiguration), a Voice was heard from heaven saying, “This is My Beloved Son” (See Matthew 3:17; 17:5). Christ is no longer David’s son, because David could never biologically produce a glorified body “according to the Spirit” (See Romans 1:4). Indeed He Who was son, is now become Father: “He shall be the Father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the key of the House of David will I lay upon His Shoulder; so he shall open and none shall shut; and He shall shut and none shall open” (See Isaiah 22:22. Thus David in spirit called Him Lord. See Matthew 22:43
The ‘Good Shepherd’
When it is recognized that “David’ means “the Beloved” it is easy to see that it the glorified Christ who is the Anti-typical “David”, for this is what is signaled by the term “My Beloved Son” (Matt.17:5). He will be “Leader” and “Commander” indeed, because He will, in the Kingdom, fight our battles, as verily David of old did for Israel, when he slew Goliath, and defeated the Philistines. For the type shows that the ancient shepherd boy, David, took one of the five stones from his shepherd’s bag and brought down Goliath with one blow to the head.
And as where there is no type there is no Truth, the antitype is the Prophecy of Daniel 2 in which antitypical Good Shepherd, “David”, will reach into His “Shepherd’s Bag” (the “mountain”) and take the “stone” (the 144,000), striking the Image at its feet, and bring down the Babylonian System (the “Goliath” of today) that will also be defying God’s people in the last days.
To suggest that V.T. Houteff is “David” in the Kingdom, is also to suggest that he is the one who cuts out the “stone” without hands from the “mountain” to strike the Image (“Goliath’), since the type shows that it is David who hurled the stone at Goliath anciently. A parallel prophecy is also found in Zechariah 12:3 in which Jerusalem becomes a “burdensome stone”.
‘David’, the Same as ‘Michael’
No one will challenge the fact that Christ is the one who takes the “stone” from the “mountain” and uses it to destroy the Image, just as ancient David did to Goliath with his stone. Indeed, Inspiration declares:
“In the foregoing exposition, we see that those who respond to the Good Shepherd’s voice, are typified by David’s followers… David’s victory over the giant against whom no one was able to make war, typifies the victory of the church (the house of David — Zech. 12:8), in the “time of trouble such as never was,” over the beast and his image (antitypical Goliath), concerning whose formidableness the Revelator asks: “Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
“The giant, Goliath, accordingly, represents those who now defy the servants of God, and who shall comprise the Image of the Beast, that religio-politico system which shall defy the armies of the Lord, and issue a decree “that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name…and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Rev. 13:17, 15.
“But “in that day,” saith the Lord, “will I make Jerusalem a burdensomestone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them.” Zech. 12:3, 8. (See 8 Tract 57-58).
The above “time of trouble” when the “Beast” is defying God’s people is the same time in which “Michael” will “stand up” to confront the “Beast”. In the above statement, He is called the “Good Shepherd”. Certainly, if those who follow the “Good Shepherd” are typified by “David’s followers”, as the above statement says, then this is another way of saying that the “Good Shepherd” is the Antitype of ancient shepherd boy, David, and His (the Good Shepherd’s) followers today are the ones who “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth” (See Revelation 14:4). This then, again clinches the fact that antitypical “David” must be Christ — the “Good Shepherd”. See John 10.
WhyThe ‘King’ Cannot Be V.T. Houteff
That the sense in which V.T. Houteff fulfilled the role of “David” through the “Spirit of Prophecy” before the kingdom, should be clear to the reader. No one should have any problems understanding the analysis regarding this. “If that is so then” one may ask, “Why can he not be the “David” in the Kingdom when he comes up in the “partial resurrection” of Daniel 12 and as typed in Matthew 27:52?
The answer to this question is this: Even if one were to assume that the King of the Kingdom will be a redeemed human, it certainly cannot be V.T. Houteff because we are clearly told by Houteff himself “As ancient David is in his grave, the king here promised must be an antitypical David… otherwise in order to fulfill the Prophecies, Ancient David must necessarily rise from the grave…” (9 Tract 43).
Houteff Equally Disqualified
Why would He resurrect him and deprive him of his kingship or throne by giving it to V.T. Houteff? Was V.T. Houteff on a level that was greater than Ancient David who God described as the “man after mine own heart?” (Acts 13:22). All should really stop and think soberly and seriously about this matter! Again, by Houteff’s own logic and reasoning, the idea that he will be the ‘David’ in the Kingdom is ruled out. The idea that he will be the king, cannot even stand the test of elementary logic. It is therefore not only illogical but it also cannot be supported by the Bible or the ‘Rod’ Itself.
Deifying V. T. Houteff
This should be an real eye-opener to all concerned for maintaining strict fidelity to the purpose of the Shepherd’s Rod — to destroy confidence in man: “The intention of the Shepherd’s Rod is to ‘cry aloud and spare not,’ show the sins and uncover the shame. It is to destroy the confidence of the sheep in the arm of flesh” (10 Code 7:10).
“The credit for the Message in the ‘Shepherd’s Rod’ Brother Houteff simply places it to Whom it belongs, and those who would like for Brother Houteff to place it on himself are not doing it because they love him or because they like to exalt him above themselves, but because they are sanctioning the claims of the voice from beneath which hates God and the revelation of His Word; tempting Brother Houteff to exalt himself instead of God, blindly deceiving themselves and leading others away from the truth, all because they hate to submit themselves to the rule of Christ now while he is “taking the reins in His own hands” (Testimonies to Ministers 300). See 2 Code 3, 4, Page 12.
This statement should be carefully noted: It was Christ Who was ruling, not V.T. Houteff himself V.T. Houteff’s flesh has now rotted in the grave, but “David” (Christ) is still in charge!
Whythe ‘King’ Cannot Be Any Other Man
“Okay” someone else may say, “1 can see why it cannot be V.T. Houteff but it must be a redeemed human because: (1) Did the Bible not say the children of Israel in the Latter Days will “appoint themselves one head?” and (2) Doesn’t the ‘Rod’ teach that before the Lord comes He will appoint a ‘man’ to reign over his People”?
These are the questions that many ask, and the kind of twisted logic that is used in arriving at the conclusion that the king in the Kingdom must at least be a redeemed human even though it is not V.T. Houteff or some other resurrected person. The view is that the king will be someone from among the 144,000 who the People will crown as their king.
If there is even to be a redeemed human monarch at all in the Kingdom, this is the only one that would be plausible because the person, at least, would not have tasted death and there would be no other group to “choose” from, except from the 144,000. But the question is: Where is the Biblical support for such an idea? The following Paragraphs will show why this cannot be correct. –
The ‘King’ Will Be Worshipped
In reviewing the “principles of Bible study” as previously outlined, it should be remembered that in order to understand Verses and Chapters we must find the “key word” (2 T.G. 8:27). There are two “key” words in this Verse of Scripture –“serve” and “raise.” Understanding the meaning of these two words in their contexts is pivotal to identifying who “David” is, because not only will God “raise” ‘David’ but the People shall also “serve” him.
Please note that the same word “serve” is used to describe what the People would offer to the Lord as well as to ‘David’: “They shall serve the Lord their God and [‘serve’] David their king”. Thus the samemeaning of “serve” applies to both the Lord and ‘David’.
In understanding the meaning of “serve” in the context of Jeremiah 30:9, therefore, we must first find: (1) The Hebrew word for “serve” as it is used in the Verse, and (2) Examples of that meaning in other parts of the Bible.
The Meaning of ‘Serve’
(l) “Thou shalt not bow down to them [graven images] and serve them” (Ex. 20:5). “Serve” here means “worship.” We are commanded not to bow down and worship (serve) graven images.
(2) “And he saith unto Him, all these things I will give unto thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then Jesus saith unto him, Get thee hence Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve“. Here again we see “serve” means “worship”: Christ did not bow down to worship (serve) Satan.
(3) “When thou hast brought forth thy people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain” (Exodus 3:12). The Israelites were commanded to ‘serve’ (worship) God upon Mt. Horeb after their departure from Egypt.
(4) “And that which cometh into your mind shall not be at all, that ye say, we will be as the heathen as the families of the countries to serve wood and stone” (Ezek. 20:3 2). To“serve” ‘wood and stone’ is to worship wood and stone – idols.
(5) “For they themselves shew of what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God (1 Thess. l:9). The Thessalonians turned from [worshipping] idols to serve (worship) the living God.
(6) “And there shall be no more curse: But the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it; and His servants shall serve Him” (Rev.22:3). Christ’s servants shall “serve” (worship) Him.
‘Serve’ Means ‘Worship’
Not Even Angels Are Worshipped
So to those Jews, David was expected “to rise again” and be ordained as king. Indeed, to them, this is what the Word of God said: “David…whom I will raiseup unto them”. So, supposedly taking God at His Word, they felt that David must be “raised up” or be “risen again”. The Promise that “David their King” will be “raised up” must be fulfilled according to their reasoning. But how was God going to “raise up” David? Ah! there was the catch: God had an infinite Master Plan to keep His Promise but the Jews failed to understand how He was going to accomplish it.
Christ ‘Raised Up’ as ‘David’
“Ye men of Israel, hear these Words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by Him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: Him, being delivered by the determinate Counsel and Foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should beholden of it.
“For David speaketh concerning Him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for He is in my right hand, that I should not be moved: Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: Because Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of joy with Thy Countenance. Men and “Brethren, Let me speak freely unto you of the Patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day. Therefore being a Prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, He would raise up Christ to sit on this Throne; he seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that His Soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the Right Hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the Promise of the Holy Spirit, He hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.
“For David is not ascended into the Heavens; but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my Right Hand, until I make thy foes thy footstool. Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ”! Acts 2:22-36.
Ah! So how was David actually “raised up”? He was “raised up” when Jesus was “raised up”: “This Jesus hath God “raised up” (verse 32). This is how God kept his promise to David that He will not allow his body to rot in the grave in that He will “raise” him up. Thus when David wrote: “Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell (the grave)” (Ps.16:9,1O), that Promise was fulfilled in Christ — the only One whose Body never did “see corruption” or rot in a grave. So ancient David can never charge God of not fulfilling His Word!
The Promise, then, to “resurrect” David was one with which the Jews were quite familiar. Thus, when Paul, speaking to them of the same Promise said: “And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the Promise which was made unto the fathers…” (Acts 13:32), What is the Promise that He made unto the fathers? It is found in Jeremiah 30:9 — “David their king.. .whom I will raise up unto them”. Paul goes on to say: “God hath fulfilled the same [Promise] unto us their children in that He raised up Y’shua (Jesus) again (Verse 33). PLEASE READ ACTS 13:20-37!
Houteff’s Comments
“Just as in the Sermon on the Day of Pentecost, the Spirit reasoned with the Jews, to save them from eternal ruin, so in these pages He reasons with you, my brethren. In substance He said to them: “As David prophesied of One Who would see no corruption, it could not be possible that his prophecy applied to himself, as you suppose, for his body lies corrupted in his sepulcher to this day. God has raised but One [Christ] without His body seeing corruption” (Acts 2:22-32); therefore He must be the only One to whom David’s prophecy can apply. Peter’s reasoning that David’s prophecy applies to Christ’s resurrection, does not have any plainer supporting evidence...” (See 6 Tract Page 77 — Why Perish). The Brackets belong to the quotation.
The above is a rather revealing statement, for Inspiration plainly says “David’s prophecy applies to Christ’s resurrection…” (Ibid). The Jews made the same mistake as many Rod believers are making today. They (the Jews) thought David was speaking of himself when in reality the “David” applied to the resurrection of Christ! This is perhaps one of the most positive statements in the Rod which clarifies this issue. It is hoped that those who read it will see the seriousness of the situation that many Rod believers find themselves in by teaching the doctrine of a human monarch in the kingdom. Is it difficult to see, then, that this Promise to raise up David can never be fulfilled in any other man but the Man Y’shua (Jesus) in Whom there is life forevermore? Is it difficult to see that when Christ said “I will rise again” (Matt.27:63), He was actually about to fulfill the promise made to David? No other human being could do that except One Who has life in Himself Only Christ had the Power to lay His Life down and take it up again. Says He: “I am the resurrection and the life” (John. 11:25) and: “I lay down my life that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again” (John. 10:17,18).
All Believers should recognize that they have come to a juncture in the history of this Reformatory Movement in which everyone will have to make a definite choice — the choice between a redeemed human as king or Christ as King. Would all, like the Jews, when offered the choice of Christ as king say “We have no king but Caesar!?” Yea, indeed, some have already done this in our own time! To the deceived Gileadites in Sprucedale, Canada and around the world, when given the definite choice of Christ as their King, like the Jews the answer is “We have no king but Mervyn Jordan!” 0, what utter blasphemy!
There is the living proof of the blasphemous teaching that ‘David’ is a fallen human being! Also, to the deceived “Branch Davidians” around the world when given the same choice of Christ as King the answer is: “We have no ‘king’ but Benjamin Roden”, or in our time, David Koresh! It is not difficult to see, then, that many, like the Jews, do not even understand their own Message (the ‘Rod’).
Solemn thought, but it is true: “The Jews at Christ’s First Advent, misunderstanding His mission because they were blind as to what their [own] Message (the Ceremonial System) taught, and as to what the Prophets wrote concerning Him, misconstrued the doctrine of the Kingdom. Dearly coveting the fruition of their long-held hope of the Kingdom, they were upset by Christ’s strange teachings, and were ready to stone Him to death rather than to have their errors exposed before the multitude whom they kept in darkness. So it is with the Church [professed ‘Rod’ Believers] today” (8 Tract 72).
Imagine that! For centuries the Jews were reading the Promise: “David their king.. .1 will raise up unto them” and they did not understand it! Thus when it was fulfilled in Christ they could not see how He could be ‘David’, thus their question: “Is he not the carpenter’s (Joseph’s) son”? And why did they behave in this way? Inspiration again answers: “The Church of Christ’s day was determined to have the kingdom set up then, when not all was yet ready for it.. .They were eager to be freed from Roman bondage only, instead of from sin and sinners also.” (8 Tract 73).
Indeed, “The Jews wanted back the kingdom which they had lost… Consequently, when Christ said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ (John.18:36), they would not have it so.” (8 Tract 73). In a similar manner, many today are eager to be freed from the “Assyrian yoke” (bondage) only, instead of from man — “sin and sinners”! So like the Jews of old who asked Samuel for a king, many are now asking “antitypical Samuel” (Houteff) to “give us a [human] king, that we might be like the nations” (1 Samuel 8:6), when from every angle it can be shown that God (Christ) will be the King in the Kingdom! See Isaiah 33:17, 21, 22.
How ironic it is that the very ones who should know better, having come in contact with the most solemn Message ever entrusted to mortals, now find themselves promoting a false theory of the Kingdom! How can this be? What is the predisposing cause of this dilemma? V.T. Houteff’s own words regarding the spiritual condition of all who find themselves on the wrong side of this issue, expose the root cause for entertaining this error, as in pointed language his words ring out in solemn rebuke of those who peddle such erroneous ideas: “Such is the ironic perversity of the natural heart – even in the very face of the fact that in every way she (the Church) is seen on the very verge of eternity in her purified state” (8 Tract 73).
The “perversity of the natural heart” is the predisposing factor since the natural heart cannot conceive of things spiritual. “The carnal mind is enmity against God, and is not subject to the Law [things] of God, neither indeed can be” (Romans 8:7). Yet the things spiritual are the very things that are real — more real than the things that are natural. The Kingdom is a spiritual thing. “Flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom” (1 Corinthians 15:50). Yet it is more real than the things we can see with our eyes. The propagation of the false theory regarding the Kingdom among so many of the professed Rod Believers, then, is really a reflection of the spiritual condition that they are in — “perversity of the natural heart”. The Kingdom will come as soon as this is corrected.
It has been clearly shown that to “serve” (Hebrew, ‘abad’) the Lord and ‘David’ means nothing less than to “worship”, hence the utter impossibility of ‘David’ being a created orredeemed human being. Similarly, it has been convincingly shown that to “raise up” (Hebrew ‘quwm’) David, was fulfilled in the resurrection of Christ (Acts 2:32). There are some, however, who seem to have difficulty understanding the term “the Lord your God and David your King”. Assuming that it is a matter of understanding, further clarification will be adduced to clear all doubts regarding this seemingly troublesome Verse which is an obvious stumbling block to many; for many of those who tenaciously cling to the false notion of a redeemed human king of the Kingdom, upon reference to Jeremiah 30:9 are quick to say: “Ah! see?…, the Verse says the ‘Lord your God and David’ so they are two separate persons.” But is such reasoning sound and in accordance with Biblical exegesis? The following analysis of the Text will clear up the confusion.
The Principle of Parallelism
For those with even an elementary knowledge of the syntactical structure of the Bible, one of the first things that would be observed is the principle of parallelism. That is, repeating the same thing in the same Verse. This is a linguistic feature of the Hebrew Language. This principle of parallelism is generally used by connecting identical terms or ideas by the words “AND” and “EVEN”. Medieval English or “Old English” — the English that is used in the King James Version of the Bible uses this same Hebrew principle of parallelism in which the same thing is repeated by using a different but synonymous word. Sometimes ‘and’ and ‘even’ are left out all entirely and the two synonymous words or ideas are simply separated by a comma (,). Grammatically speaking, we say the ideas are “in apposition“. For example: “Ellen G. White, Prophetess of the Remnant Church.” ‘E.G. White’ and ‘Prophetess of the Remnant Church’ are the same person. Here is an example of parallelism using the conjunction “and”:
“During the 1991 Gulf War the U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief, visited the soldiers on the battlefield”.
Because the titles “President” and “Commander-in-Chief” are used, it does not mean that they refer to two different persons. Anyone who is familiar with the United States’ form of government knows that the President is also the ex-officio Commander-in-Chief of the military forces. George Bush, therefore, wore “two hats”, so to speak, being head of the Country and also head of the Armed Forces. But the only way one would know this is if that person is familiar with the nature of the U.S. Presidency. A foreigner or someone who is ignorant of the U.S. constitutional arrangement, in reading this piece of news item in his newspaper may well think there were two distinct persons who visited the men on the battlefield. In other words, the erroneous conclusion may well be drawn that it was the President and some other Official who visited the Soldiers!
This example of parallelism highlights the hermeneutic pitfalls that face any who may not be fully aware of the nuances of the English language. Failure to have a firm grasp of the semantic variations of English can lead to the acceptance and propagation of false theories! One would hope that this will serve as a warning to the proponents of the redeemed human-king theory to cast away this false “idol” (idea) before it is too late; for the example of parallelism positively demonstrates the term the “Lord their God and David their King” does not mean the Lord (Christ) and some other person, but it is the same Lord Who is also “David their King”. The Lord, like the President of the United States, is also wearing “two hats”! This should be sufficient to demonstrate the point but some Biblical examples will be adduced to show how parallelism, using “and”, equates one word or expression with the other:
1) “And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward” (Isa.8:21).
From 3 Code 3-4:10,11 V.T. Houteff insightfully explains that this will be the experience of some of God’s professed People who reject Him in the time of the “Assyrian Confederacy”. Does cursing “their king and their God” mean that there are two different persons? Obviously not. The same “king” they curse is also their “God”!
This is a classic example of the similar expression in Jeremiah 30:9 which says “Lord their God and David their King”. The “Lord” and “David” are one and the same just as “King” and “God” are one and the same in Isaiah 8:21.
2)”Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my Kingand my God: for unto Thee will I pray” (Psalm 5:2). Does the expression “my King and my God” mean a king other than God? Absolutely not! The same One who is “my God” is also “my King”. Again, this is same principle that operates in Jeremiah Chapter 30, Verse Nine.
3) “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Y’shua, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (See Acts 2:36). Ah! There we have it! Y’shua (Jesus) has been “made” both Lord and Christ (Messiah) — the same Person. The word “made” here means ‘ordained’, ‘appointed’, ‘chosen’. See Strong’s Greek Lexicon, Entry #4 160. Y’shua (Jesus) has been ‘chosen by the Father as Lord (God) and at the same time Messiah. He, therefore, wears both “hats” — one ‘hat’ as God and another ‘hat’ as Man! Yes, as man ! For the simple reason that He is still aman! This may sound strange to some but this is one of the fundamentals of the Advent Faith — the doctrine of the Incarnation, which, as previously mentioned, also defines Christ’s post-resurrection status. Yet this is a point that seems unclear in the minds of many.
Christ is Still a Man!
In Chapter One, the Incarnation was dealt with at length and it was shown that Christ carried his Humanity with Him to Heaven and that He will retain that human Nature throughout the eternal ages. To wit:
1) “Christ ascended to heaven bearing a sanctified, holy humanity. He took His humanity with Him into the heavenly courts, and through the eternal ages He will bear it... The palm of His Hands bear the marks of the wounds He received” (5 B.C. 1125).
2) “Christ took with Him to the heavenly courts His glorified humanity” (8 Testimonies 267).
3) “He ascended to heaven in the form of humanity” (Steps to Christ 74).
4) “He is our Advocate, our Brother, bearingour human form before the Father’s Throne, and through the eternal ages one with the human Race” (Steps To Christ, Page 14).
The above references clearly show that our Saviour is still a man — He has joined Himself with us by a tie that can “never be broken” (D.A. 24). The only difference in His Body and ours is that His is a glorified Body. When He was on Earth He was Christ in “sinful flesh” (Romans 8:3; D.A. 1 17) — the body like Adam after the Fall. Now, however, He is Christ with a Glorious sinless Body – the body like Adam before the Fall. Thus He is, indeed, the “second Adam”. The Promise of this glorious body is what the Saints will be given if they be faithful: “Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His Glorious Body” (Phil.3:21).
This is the Saviour the true Christian serves — a Saviour Who is personal, real and Who can identi1y with His people as a Brother and Friend. He is the only one Who can truly bridge the gap between us and God, in that He can relate to us as God on one hand, and relate to us at the human level on the other. This is why it is said that Christ embodies the Law, which entails a dual relationship — a relationship to God and a relationship to man.
Standing on Mount Zion
The Apostle John when given the “Revelation of Y’shua (Jesus) Christ”, in A.D. 96, was taken in vision and saw Christ on earth: “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1).
The above Verse of prophetic Scripture is perhaps the most familiar to Rod Believers, yet it is also the most misunderstood. For some reason, not many really believe that Christ will be on earth in Person as the Text suggests. That he will stand on Mount Zion is taken to mean that only His invisible Presence will be with the 144,000. But the Scriptures are plain regarding this prophetic Event, which is a literal, and personal standing on Earth during the period of the kingdom. John the Revelator is not the only one who has prophesied about this glorious event.
JOB prophesied: “I know my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” (See Job 19:25).
ABRAHAM, too, looking down the Ages, saw the “ram” on Mount Moriah, and said: “In the Mount of the Lord It shall be seen” (See Genesis 22:14).
Majesty of Universe Visits Earth!
These are all prophecies regarding Christ’s physical and personal Presence on earth with His Army — the 144,000, during the Loud Cry. This comes as a shock to most Rod believers who hold to the view that Christ will not r-e-a-l-l-y be there, so He will need a “representative”. If only all can see that Christ will be present in His Person, it becomes a simple matter to see the fallacy of a human representative such as V.T. Houteff or some other mortal as the king of the Kingdom.
This author can recall when the fact that Christ will be on earth during the Loud Cry, in the kingdom, was first brought to the attention of one of the “thought leaders” of the Rod this Truth was scoffed at. Now, however, there are many who can no longer deny the evidence of the reality that Christ will be on Earth with His People in the Kingdom, during the Loud Cry as is evidenced in the following statements:
1) “The Lamb standing at first before the throne in heaven, stands later with the 144,000 on Mount Zion upon Earth, though the Elders and the Beasts round about the throne remain in heaven” (8Tract 5).
2) “It is understood that Christ’s Work will continue in the Heavenly Sanctuary up to the close of probation. But Inspiration also declares that He will be in the midst of His People — in the Church upon Earth during the time of the Loud Cry of the Third Angel’s Message, for, saith the Lord, ‘I will dwell in the midst of thee’ and many Nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day (Zech.2:1 1). ‘Cry out and shout thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel, in the midst of thee’ (Isa.12:6),… Though He will carry on His mediatorial work in the Heavenly Sanctuary up to the close of probation He will also, during the time of the Loud Cry, be upon Earth in the midst of His People — the Church” (I Code 3:3).
It is a marvelous thought, and an awesome reality to consider that the King of the Universe will be with us in a personal way during the last final conflict: “Ezekiel’sVision… brings to light earth’s being visited by the Majesty of the Universe…” (See 1 Tract, Page 5). It is an astounding revelation when one seriously thinks of it. The preceding Pages, in summary, then, revealed:
(1) Christ was “raised up” as “David”
(2) The Lord and “David” are the same Person
(3) Christ has retained, and will always have a human form
(4) Christ (in human form) will be on earth with his people before the close of probation Christ’s Dual Work
Should there be any doubt that Christ is indeed the King of the Kingdom? Is it difficult for any to see that there is no need or even any room for another king? Why would Christ want someone to be a viceroy when He will be here personally with His People? Is the work in the Sanctuary plus the Work of directing the Affairs of His Kingdom during the Loud Cry too much for Him to handle? God forbid, for it is He Himself Who says: “All power is given unto me in Heaven and Earth” (See Matt.28:18). In fact, Inspiration illustrates how Christ will be able to accomplish this dual work:
“In the following, we shall try to give a meager illustration of how it can be possible with Him. Let us remember that He is omnipresent as described by the Prophet, saying, ‘Thus saith the Lord, the Heaven is my Throne and the Earth my Footstool’ (Isa.66). If it is possible for Him to be in the first Apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary after His Resurrection, and at the same time be upon the throne of God away from the Sanctuary (Rev.22:l; E.W.55; see 3 Tract Pages 21-23), then why would it be impossible for Him to be in the Heavenly Sanctuary as well as upon the Earth, seeing that He is omnipresent? We mortal beings are sometimes apt to draw narrow conclusions regarding God and His Work, and limit His mysteries by comparing Him to our mortal beings” (1 Code 3:4).
Given the above, one is forced to ask a sobering question: Are professed “Rod” Believers not been guilty of limiting Christ, His Kingship, and His Work? Have they not been guilty of limiting His mysteries, (such as the mystery of the Incarnation) by relegating Christ, as it were, to a “foamy Ghost” a “ball of fire” or some kind of “gaseous Spirit”, — or some non-human Entity? Some even have the mistaken idea that Christ, being “omnipresent”, means that Christ somehow divides up Himself, such that He is here, there, and everywhere. But it must be remembered that Christ is confined to His Human Body which He will always have at every instance for the rest of His eternal existence.
So what does it mean, then, for Christ to be “omnipresent”? V.T. Houteff himself further explains:
“If an Angel can make the trip from Heaven to Earth in less than 15 minutes (Dan.9:23), then is it not reasonable that Christ can do likewise? His answer to Mary, after His Resurrection, “touch Me not; for I am not yet ascended to My Father: but go to My Brethren, and say unto them, I ascend to My Father, and your Father; to My God and your God. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus [with His glorified body, of course] and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, ‘Peace be unto you’ (John 20:17,19), proves the fact that Christwent to Heaven and returned the same day.
“Hence if it is possible for our General Conference President to attend his business in Washington D.C. and at the same time make a trip to some distant country, which will take him months to accomplish, is it not much more possible for Christ to attend both places while He can travel back and forth by an incomprehensibly greater speed than lightning?” (1 Code 3:4).
So there it is! Christ’s omnipresence means that the speed by which He can move transcends the time barrier — He can move faster than lightning. A further electrical analogy will suffice: The standard light bulb shining in a room is actually turning on and off 60 times each and every second. When we read in that light, however, we do not notice the periods of darkness, because it is happening so rapidly. Christ can accelerate at an incomprehensibly greater speed than the light flickering in the bulb, from Heaven to Earth and throughout the Universe, and still be seated at the Right hand of His Father on High, without His absence being noticed! His speed is so fast, that it would appear He is standing still, and to us this is omnipresence. So again the Rod further states:
“This fact is again attested by the words of Ezekiel, saying, ‘The Cherubims lifted up their Wings, and moved up from the Earth in my sight’ (Eze.. 10:19). And afterwards Chapter 11, verse 24 shows that they again returned. Let no one suppose that Christ is like a prisoner in the Sanctuary and that He must stay there, but let us rather remember that His Work only is there and at His Will He can come and go more conveniently that a businessman can attend his business in his office and at the same time live at home.
“Christ has further illustrated this incident in the parable of Mark 13:34: ‘For the son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left His House, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. After a long time (from His ascension to the Purification of the Church) the Lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them’ (Matt.25:19). Consequently, the period of His absence ends at the Purification of the Church at which time He reckons with His servants and Himself takes charge of the flock” (1 Code 3:4).
The above Statement is “loaded” with information regarding the Work and Kingship of Christ. From it one can clearly see that:
(1) Christ can “come and go” (from Earth to Sanctuary) at His Will
(2) The Church (Kingdom) during the Loud Cry will be His “Home”
(3) The Sanctuary is the place of His “Work only”
(4) When Christ left the Earth (His Church) He left “His House”
(5) When He left the earth (Church) He was thus absent
(6) His absence ends at the Purification
(7) After the Purification He is therefore present
(8) During His Presence He takes charge of the flock Himself
There should not be any lingering doubt as to the authenticity of the fact that Christ will be on Earth. Indeed, the Statement shows that He will personally take charge of the Flock:
“Himself takes charge of His Flock”. If Christ is present and is in charge of His Flock Himself, Why would He want someone else to be in charge? Can He not rule His own “House”? It should be especially noted that when His absence ends He is now back at “Home” in “His House.” Notice, it is His House – that is, Christ’s House — the House of Christ – the Church.
But Christ’s House, the Church, will be called the “House of David” during the Loud Cry (See 2 S.R., Page 290). So again, logic constrains one to see that the Owner of the House must be “David” who consequently must be Christ. For the “House” cannot have two masters (owners) — it is the “House of David” — not someone else’s. It is for this reason one who is truly a member of that “House” is called a “DAVID-ian”, that is a follower of “David” (“ian” means “follower”). Similarly, one who is truly a Member of “His House” (Christ’s) is called a CHRIST-ian – a follower of Christ. It is not difficult, then, to see that the House — the Church — is named after the one who owns the House!
Anyone should be able to see that to be a “DAVID-ian” is to be nothing less than a “CHRIST-ian”. Put another way: To be a follower of “David” is equivalent to being a follower of Christ. Hence, from yet another angle one can see that “David” is none other that Christ Himself!
It will be spiritual myopia for one who has read thus far in this study to continue to yearn for a redeemed human king in the soon-coming Kingdom! If there still be such a one, let the warning be given that there will not only be a great disappointment but there shall be “wailing and gnashing of teeth” when this false hope is dashed, at the Words from Master of the House when He pronounces in finality: “I never knew you.. .Depart from Me” (Matthew 7:23).
Heaven is giving a warning and opportunity in the pages of this book, for the guilty ones to avert the above consequence. Indeed Heaven may have had a Message such as this in mind given the following words of Inspiration: “But when our High Priest shall begin the atonement for the living, there must be a Message of present truth — sounding the trumpet — urging everyone to lay hold on the Lamb of God (Christ) by which only, can he in figure, come to the Sanctuary, confess his sin and secure his life” (See 2 S.R., Page 164).
Will Christ Be Visible or Invisible?
It is clear from 8 Tract 5; 1 Code 3:3,4 (and many other references not cited here) that Christ will be on Earth during the Loud Cry. But there are some who say that it will be an “invisible presence“. And two key statements are cited as “proof” to support the idea that since Christ will be an “invisible” entity, then He must necessarily select a human being who is visible to be “His representative”. But before showing why this is false, one should ask himself the following questions:
(1)Why would Christ leave all the way from Heaven to be with his people and be invisible? (2) What is the purpose of His invisibility? (3) Why can He not manifest His “invisible” Presence through the Holy Spirit as on the Day of Pentecost when, we are told, that He was more present than if He were there personally? Inspiration clearly states: “The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every placepersonally” (D.A.668). (4) What will prevent the saints from seeing him?
While pondering upon these questions two pillar references which the human-king proponents quote to support the invisibility of Christ will be cited:
1) “Since therefore from the stem of Jesse came the “rod” (David) and from the rod sprang the Branch (Christ), David the visible king and Christ the invisible king of kings ‘in that day’ — our time — constitute the ensign.” (8TR 47).
2)”The early Christian Church was literally greater, because Christ, the ‘Head of the corner’, appeared at that time in His visible human form. Thus the literal magnificence of Solomon’s Temple was a perfect symbol! But the type reveals that the glory of the Early Church was as nothing in comparison with the latter Section of the same Church. Therefore, the visible Presence of Christ (in human form) in the Early Church was as nothing in comparison with His invisible Presence in the closing Work of the Gospel Church.” (2 S.R. 262).
The casual reader of these two statements is sure to say: “But these statements definitely say that Christ will be invisible and “David” will be “visible!” This is true. However, it is important that one sticks closely to the principles of Bible Study referred to previously, so that nothing is missed in the above references. Two important principles should be applied here:
PRINCIPLE #4: “Now the only sane and safe procedure is to read closely every page of the solemn Message contained herein. Let not a line escape your attention. Study every word carefully and prayerfully” (4 Tract 7).
PRINCIPLE #5: “Those who take from books only sentences instead of taking the books entire will never by themselves find the Truth…” 3 Code 1-5, Page 10.
So to understand what the statements mean we need to understand “everyword” and take not “only sentences” but the “books entire”. The statements clearly state that Christ will be invisible – “the invisible King of kings” and “invisible… in the closing Work”. No one can argue against what is written. But in considering the meaning and context of the word “invisible “, the deep student of the Bible will see that at the time when Christ will be with His people “in the closing Work”, there will be a repeat of the manner of His pre-ascension Presence.
Were the above statements the only ones on Christ’s invisibility during the Loud Cry one would be forced to conclude that no one would be able to see Him. But, it would be shown in the following statement that He will only be invisible to those (the wicked Nations) outside of the Kingdom:
“It is generally understood that when Christ visibly appears, the Nations will die by the brightness of His coming, and thus the wicked will have no chance for either the Lord to speak to them or they to speak to Him. Furthermore, according to the parable (Matt.25 :31-34, 41), He sits on the throne of His Glory instead of sitting on the Clouds as in 1 Thess. 4:17. Therefore,the Throne of His Glory is His Kingdom where He, invisible to the Nations, sits on the Throne and gathers all Nations before Him as is recorded by the Prophet Isaiah also, saying: ‘And it shall come to pass in the Last Days that the Mountain of the Lord’s House shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all Nations shall flow unto it’ (Isaiah 2:2)” [4 Code 10- 12, Page 6].
There, it is! “The Nations… the wicked”, are the ones to whom Christ will be “invisible”; for says Inspiration: “He, invisible to the nations sits on the Throne.” It is quite obvious, therefore, that if He is invisible to the Nations” then He will be visible to His Saints because it would be superfluous to say “invisible to the Nations” if He is invisible to everyone.
In Tract #5 (‘Final Warning’), in explaining the phrase “the creatures… which had life died”, V.T. Houteff says: “…it would be superfluous to say those which ‘had life’ died. For unless they had life, how could they have died? (5 Tract 28). So in ruling out superfluity he correctly understood the phrase “had life”, to mean “they were figurative only of those living who were privileged to have eternal life … but … lost it” (5 Tract 46).
Similarly, in this case ruling our superfluity clearly reveals that indeed, Christ will be visible to His saints but “invisible to the nations”. Says the Pen of Inspiration: “Close reasoners and logical thinkers are few…” F.C.E. 27. The “logical thinker” should therefore have no problems with the terms “Christ the invisible King” and “invisible Presence” for in every case it means “invisibleto the Nations”.