What is it that sets Heralds of the King Ministries apart from all other Davidian ministries? It is our belief, substantiated by the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, that the King to reign in the soon coming Kingdom, is none other than Christ Himself. These advance studies will aid and help you, the reader, to come to the realization that Jesus Christ, and Him only, will reign as Antitypical David. It is our sincere desire that you, too, will come into this same light. With this message will come unity; Because, with Christ as our Head (each individual having Christ as his or her Head) we will no longer depend on the sinful flesh to lead us to the Promised Land. The Wall of partition will finally be torn down. Christ as our “Head” will lead us safely into His ark of safety where He will stand on Mount Zion with the 144,000. At this time the statement made in Article 1 of the Davidian Leviticus will be fulfilled. “The name, Davidian, deriving from the name of the king of Ancient Israel, accrues to this Association by reason of its following aspects: First, it is dedicated to the work of announcing and bringing forth the restoration (as predicted in Hosea 1:11; 3:5) of David’s kingdom in antitype, upon the throne of which Christ, “the son of David,” is to sit. Second, it purports itself to be the first of the first fruits of the living, the vanguard from among the present-day descendants of those Jews who composed the Early Christian Church. With the emergence of this vanguard and its army, the first fruits, from which are elected the 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes of Jacob, “the 144,000″ (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8) who stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb (Rev. 14:1; 7:2-8), the reign of antitypical David begins.” (The Leviticus of the D.S.D.A. page 3) What a privilege it will be for the 144,000 to stand “with the Lamb”, Christ, the son of David, Who will at this time take His place as Antitypical David and reign in the restored kingdom.
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